Whether you need to tone your tush, reshape your rear, or build your butt… It’s time for you to get the perky, firm, & round asset you’ve always wanted. If you suffer from saggy bum, pancake booty, or droopy donk… This is the resource you’ve been looking for. If you want the down-low on building your body’s muscular powerhouse, you want to learn how to stay injury-free, you’re ready to crush some kick @$$ workouts (literally lol), and have fun while you’re doing it then this is the program for you!
Created for women who:
- You have a desk job or sedentary lifestyle
- You don’t have time to workout
- You can’t do squats or lunges easily
- You have a bad back or weak knees
Included when you get your complete 30-Day Booty Bootcamp program right now:
- 30-day step by step tush toning playbook ($99 value)
- Glutes 101 bun building system ($27 value)
- Perfect peach workout cards ($97 value)
- Expert booty building secrets ($57 value)
- 30 rear reshaping professional exercise tutorials ($99 value)
- PLUS LadyBoss Resistance Bands ($19 value)
- Bonus: black & white easy printable version ($17 value)
Total value: $415
Buy now and receive 88% in savings!